29 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Terintegrasi Toko Swalayan

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    Nowadays people become more and more aware of the fact that information technology has become a vital part in all aspects of life, especially in businesses. It has caused many business people to react fast in adopting a computerized system in advancing their businesses and competing with their competitors. Especially through internet, not only do businesses compete locally but also compete globally. Therefore, if businesses do not adopt the computerized system, sooner or later they will have a huge loss in terms of profit and efficiency. Businesses, such as mini markets, also need a computerized system to deal with day-to-day activities, such as selling, ordering, and purchasing, so that adding, searching, editing, dan deleting data become easier and more efficient in terms of time and cost. This computerized application is intended to overcome many difficulties encountered by the manual system. If this prototype will be implemented in the future, hopefully it can be useful for mini markets

    Formal Modelling for Population Dynamics

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    The spirit of sustainable development has inspired our research work. Ecologically sus- tainable development needs preventative strategies and measures against environmental degradation. In our work we focus on constructing a formalism that enables modellers to model the population dynamics within an ecosystem and to analyse them. Furthermore, preventative strategies can be put into the model so that their effectiveness for ecosystems can be measured. An ecosystem consists of many interacting components. These components have many behaviours which are not easy to put together in a model. Work on such modelling started a long time ago, and even more has been done recently. These approaches have been taken from ordinary differential equations to stochastic processes. There are also some existing formalisms that have already been used for this modelling. In ecosystems there are several important aspects that need to be incorporated into the model, especially: stochasticity, spatiality and parallelism. One formalism has strengths in a certain aspect but weaknesses in others. Being motivated by this situation our work is to construct a formalism that could accommodate these aspects. Besides this, the formalism is intended to facilitate the modellers, who are generally biologists, to define the behaviours in the model in a more intuitive way. This has led our work to adopt features from existing formalisms: Cellular Automata and P Systems. Then, after adding new features, our work results in a new formalism called Grid Systems. Grid Systems have the spatiality of Cellular Automata but also provide a way to define behaviours differently in each cell (also called membrane) according to the reaction rules of P Systems. Therefore, Grid Systems have a richer spatiality compared to CA and the parallelism and stochaticity of P Systems. Besides these, we incorporate stochastic reaction duration for the reaction rules so that Grid Systems have stochasticity in rule selection and stochasticity in reaction termination. This enables us to define scheduled external events which are important aspects in modelling ecosystems. In addition to these, we extend Grid Systems with a new feature called ‘links’. A link is an object that can carry pointers. The pointer of a link can be used in the rule to transfer objects to another membrane. Because a link is also an object, its existence as well as its pointer are dynamic. By using the links, the membranes of Grid Systems can be structured as a tree to imitate the membrane structure of P Systems, or even more as a graph for a more general computation. The property of the links enables the structure to be dynamic, in a similar way to the dissolving membrane in the P Systems. The features of Grid Systems are defined in terms of syntax and semantics. The syntax describes how the model should be expressed by the modeller. The semantics describes what will happen to the model when the model evolves. From the semantics a software tool can be developed for analysing the model. In our research work we have developed the models in two case studies. In the first case study, we focus on the interacting events and external events that affect the population dynamics of mosquitoes. We observe how the impacts of events are propagated in space and time. In the second case study, we focus on the spatiality movement created by the seasonal migration of wildebeests. We observe that the pathways in the migration can be modelled well using links. The models of both case studies are analysed by using our simulation tool. From both case studies we conclude that our formalism can be used as a modelling framework especially for population dynamics, and in general for analysing the models of ecosystems


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    Indonesia merupakan wilayah yang terletak di daerah khatulistiwa yang memiliki kekayaan hutan tropis melimpah dan budaya masyarakatnya yang beranekaragaman flora dan fauna, peninggalan purbakala, peninggalan sejarah, serta seni dan budaya yang semuanya itu merupakan sumber daya dan modal yang besar artinya bagi usaha pengembangan dan peningkatan kepariwisataan. Modal tersebut harus dimanfaatkan secara optimal melalui penyelenggaraan kepariwisataan yang secara umum bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan nasional dalam rangka meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Pengelolaan kawasan wisata yang berwawasan lingkungan menjadi prioritas utama pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung. Kelestarian alam merupakam modal utama pariwisata Kabupaten Bandung. Dari sekian banyak lokasi wisata alam, hampir semua menawarkan panorama alami. Kondisi inilah yang terus dipertahankan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung, sebagai modal penting serta ciri khas paeiwista di wilayah ini. Jendela Alam yang berada di Cihideung Kecamatan Parongpong yang secara geologi kecamatan parongpong ini terletak di kaki gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Yang secara topografi dan iklim mamang cocoknya daerah pertanian, tetapi karena pada daerah desa cihideung dan sekitarnya dikenal desa pariwisata, maka meskipun daerah cihudeung banyaknya perkebunan dan pertanian  di Desa Cihideung memiliki objek wisata yang difokuskan untuk pendidikan edukasi anak-anak. Jendela Alam Lembang Cihideung ini merupakan objek wisata yang dibuat dengan konsep edukasi. Objek wisata Jendela Alam Lembang ini dilengkapi  dengan beberapa wahana sebagai sarana laboratorium alam dan juga memberikan edukasi masyarakat dan anak-anak indonesia dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga menarik buat keluarga


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    Wisata merupakan kegiatan perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau kelompok orang dengan mengunjungi tempat tertentu untuk tujuan rekreasi dalam jangka waktu sementara. Pengembangan wisata merupakan ciri dari peningkatan wisata disuatu daerah yang memiliki potensi wisata yang dilihat dari pembangunan objek wisata. Di daerah Kamojang terdapat potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi tempat wisata yaitu Sianyar. Daerah Kamojang ini terdapat di pegunungan yang dikelilingi perkebunan kopi dan palawija, sehingga sangat cocok untuk menarik minat wisatawan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan objek Wisata Sianyar dan faktor geografis apa saja yang mempengaruhi pengembangan Wisata Sianyar.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yaitu metode yang berlandaskan pada filsafat positivisme di mana peneliti sebagai instrument kunci. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan triangulasi atau gabungan. Informan yang digunakan adalah informan inti dan informan pangkal.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengembangan objek Wisata Sianyar di pengaruhi oleh kondisi geografis, dilihat dari kondisi wilayah tempat wisata ini yang berada di daerah pegunungan dan dikelilingi perkebunan. Izin dan dukungan pemerintah sudah sangat baik karena telah menarik minat wisatawan untuk datang ke Kamojang. Adapun simpulan dan saran dari hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan rumusan masalah penulis dengan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, pada pengembangan objek wisata Sianyar di pengaruhi oleh kondisi geografis, sarana, prasarana, izin dan dukungan pemerintah, serta jumlah pengunjung yang datang

    Karakteristik Sifat Mekanik Hasil Pengelasan Gesek Aluminium dengan Tembaga Menggunakan Variasi Kecepatan Putar dan Kekasaran Permukaan Kontak

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    Friction welding is a type of welding that is used for a variety of materials. Friction welding is a method of joining two materials by swiping them together until they reach some of the melting points of the materials to be joined, then applying constant pressure. Aluminum and copper are the materials to be joined in this study. Using rotational speed and contact surface roughness variations. The purpose of this research is to determine the mechanical properties of friction welding results between aluminum and copper. The speed settings are 1230, 1500, and 2500 rpm. Use sandpaper grades #100, #800, and #1500 to achieve different levels of surface roughness. According to the results of this study, the rotational speed with the highest tensile strength and hardness values is 1230 rpm, namely 59.6 MPa and 54.6 HVN (Al), 112.1 HVN (Al) (Cu). In terms of surface roughness variations, the surface roughness using grade #1500 sandpaper has the highest value, namely 54.18 HVN (Al), 112.1 HVN (Cu). And #100 sandpaper with a value of 52.48 Mpa. The results of the microstructure test in the weld joint area at a magnification of 1000x indicated that the friction welding of aluminum and copper was successful, as evidenced by the diffusion of aluminum and copper in this area

    The Influence of Heat Input to Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of API 5L-X65 Steel Using Submerged Arc Welding Process

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    API 5L-X65 steel is the type of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel, widely used in the manufacture of pipe. Submerged arc welding (SAW) is widely used for the fabrication of the pipe, the extent of use submerged arc welding caused it could be done automatically and high reliability. The results of the welding process will lead to differences and changes in the microstructure in heat affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal that will affect the mechanical properties of the output, so as to obtain good welding results required the selection of welding parameters accordingly. As the use of the heat input during welding is very important influence on the mechanical properties and microstructure of the weld. The purpose of this study to determine the effect of heat input on the microstructure, hardness and toughness of welds in submerged arc welding. Welding currents used were 200, 300, 400 and 500 Ampere with a voltage were used 25, 27 and 30 Volt. The results showed that the higher heat input will result in a growing area of HAZ region width and grain size increased. Highest hardness values are the results of the weld heat input with a low of 244.69 HVN caused by the rapid cooling rate of the weld area. The highest toughness values are the results of the highest heat input that was dominated by acicular ferrite phase


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    AbstrakFaktor-faktor yang diduga terkait dengan rendahnya kinerja pelayanan publik adalah kecenderungan kepemimpinan pejabat publik yang tidak berorientasi pada pelayanan dan iklim organisasi yang kurang kondusif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan pelayan dan iklim organisasi terhadap kinerja pelayanan publik. Penelitian kuantitatif eksplanasi kuantitatif ini menggunakan kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada 200 Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Pemeritah Kota Bekasi yang diperoleh melalui teknik sampling random stratifikasi. Penelitian ini menemukan adanya pengaruh yang positif signifikan kepemimpinan pelayan dan iklim organisasi terhadap kinerja pelayanan publik dan pengaruh kepemimpinan pelayan terhadap kinerja pelayanan publik melalui iklim organisasi.Kata kunci  : Kepemimpinan Pelayan, Iklim Organisasi, Kinerja Pelayanan Publik, dan Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kota BekasiAbstractThe factors thought to be related to the low performance of public service leadership was the tendency of public officials who were not service-oriented and less conducive organizational climate. The purpose of this study was determined the effect of servant leadership and organizational climate on the performance of public services. This quantitative explanation of quantitative research using questionnaires technique distributed to 200 Civil Servants to the Government of Bekasi City through stratified random sampling technique.  This study found out a significant positive effect of servant leadership and organizational climate on the performance of public service and the effect servant leadership on the performance of public services through organizational climate.Keywords : Servant Leadership, Organizational Climate, Performance Public Service, and the Civil Service Bekasi Cit

    Sistem Informasi Jadwal Praktek Dokter Berbasis Android

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    Teknologi sistem informasi merupakan bagian penting dalam pelayaan publik untuk memudahkan para pengguna mengakses kebutuhan layanan masyarakat. Hal ini begitu penting untuk terwujudnya layanan yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Tidak terkecuali pelayanan kesehatan pada rumah sakit dan klinik. Rumah sakit dan klinik merupakan instansi pelayanan kesehatan publik yang vital dan memiliki peranan penting bagi masyarakat. Untuk menunjang kualitas layanan perlu inovasi yang dapat menunjang akses kesediaan dokter, perawat dan ruang bagi para pasien.Sistem Informasi Jadwal Praktek Dokter yang dikembangan oleh RSU Az. Zahra yang beralamatkan di Jl. Kartini No. 109 Desa Kalirejo Kecamatan Lampung Tengah merupakan pengembangan dan peningkatan layanan bagi para pasien.Pembuatan Sistem Informasi ini dibangun dengan menggunakan aplikasi berasis android yang dikembangkan dengan model waterfall serta dilakukan pengujian aplikasi dengan menggunkan beberapa responden pasien. Dari hasil uji sistem diperoleh tanggapan yang positif oleh para pasien dan mempermudah mengetahui jadwal praktek dokter